TED Talk (Inside the mind of a master procrastinator)

3 keywords
 ➤gear 檔、排檔;傳動裝置;齒輪

a device, often consisting of connecting sets of wheels with teeth (= points) around the edge, that controls how much power from an engine goes to the moving parts of a machine.

sprint 衝刺;短跑

a short and very fast race, such as the 100 meters, or the last part of a longer race that is run as fast as possible.

procrastination 拖延

the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.


This speech is about procrastination, most of us delay things will have a deadline, so we will feel nervous and complete the work within the deadline. But long-term procrastination has made us feel like a spectator in our own lives. The frustration is not that we couldn't achieve our dreams; it's that we weren't even able to start chasing them.



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